“Gun” violence

And yet another shooting. In yet another highly restrictive place that makes gun ownership VERY difficult. Someone took “Celebrate Independence Day” a leeetle to literally. But WHAT is the real cause of these happenings? You want my .02c? I can promise you will not like it. The real cause is actually multiple causes and has fuck all to do with guns.

1. Mental Health. you can say this is a dodge all you want…but it’s TRUE. We USED to have 40yrs or so ago..a national network of sanitariums where the truly mentally deranged and dangerous were housed for their own safety and the safety of society at large. There were abuses and corruption within that system. So naturally, the federal fucking government, instead of FIXING those problems? Dismantled and flushed the entire system down the toilet. Fucking BRILLIANT!!!! Now there’s no where to house those that need it. Think about it, how many people do you see on the street, homeless, that are mentally ill and should be housed somewhere like one of the old asylums. I don’t know about you, but in my city of millions? those poor bastards are myriad.

There is a problem with reinstating the network though. Much as I’d like to see it happen. The Political Divide. The Political Divide is at this point, too deep to allow the network to be reinstated. A. because the overwhelming majority of those in the psychiatric/psychological fields are very left in their leanings. B. Because with what we have witnessed with swattings and such, I have no doubt that those on the left, would use mental health as a cudgel. A weapon against their political opponents. I can especially see the Antifa, BLM and other fascist groups, or those that espouse those beliefs, doing this

2. A segment of government on all levels that wants to micromanage and control your lives. Which is why they use these events as platforms to push for “Moar Gun Control!” Because a population that can’t defend itself from it’s government is easily enslaved. You may think I’m reaching when I say this, but then…you haven’t studied history, both ancient and modern, have you? I have. I dove deep and hard into history of the period of a decade, decade and a half. They say history repeats itself. Well…it might not repeat itself exactly but it invariably dances, similar dances. Hell I’ve FORGOTTEN more history than your average person will ever read. Forgotten more than most, especially ivory tower intellectuals and college “professors” *snort of disdain* will ever admit exists, let alon TEACH.
Let me give you an example… Before you buy into the gov’ts bullshit? stop and look at crime statistics. You ever notice who commits the overwhelming number of crimes, depending on locale? And who they commit most of those crimes against? If you guess the overhelming majority of murders were black on black, hispanic on hispanic, etc and that it tends to be in the majority, gangbangers erasing each other? That “mass shootings” are MAYBE, one percent of the murder statistics? That they aren’t as prevalent as they’d like you to believe? Congrats…your eyes are opened to the truth.

3. The Progressive Propaganda Ministry. Aka…Pravda America. Or Goebbels Kids if you like.
More commonly known as….The Mainstream Media. They have been quietly for decades and openly since about 2010, nothing but mouthpieces for the Democrat Party and the far left progessive wing of it. Some scream “Well what about Fox News!” Even Fox News is as far as honesty and integrity go in news reporting? About as useful as a soiled handkerchief, and should be set on fire with the rest of the trash. It still had some integrity left until Rupert Murdoch left. After his kids took over, it went completely down the shitter as far as I can tell and I don’t WATCH cable news channels. At All. Don’t have cable or satellite and haven’t in ohhh..10-15yrs. Seriously who watches cable news anymore. Not intelligent people. WHY? Because it only has ONE purpose. Okay two. To make the corporations money and to drive you into an emotional frenzy so you Don’t. Think! If you start to think independently of what you are told by government and the press…you might question what’s really going on. What are their motives. The Government, or at least the entrenched elites and equally entrenched, powerful and quietly behind the scenes burueacracy/ies [basically most government agencies at this point] can not control you, by catering to your fears and prejudices. Don’t sit there and tell me you don’t have any prejudices you blathering meatsack! You do! Hell, I have them…but I at least question mine from time to time to see if they still remain accurate or even logical. Most people don’t even bother. They just sit there in there in their confirmed bias echo chambers and breathe the vapors. Never once wondering what’s outside that little chamber. Frankly people that comfortable in their willful ignorance can never really be broken out. It’s like trying to deprogram cult members. Everything you see on TV, Movies, in entertainment industries are Cults of Personality. To distract you.
Give this song a listen. It’s frightening to me sometimes, as much as I love this song, just how accurate the lyrics STILL are…some 34yrs after it’s initial release.


Why is it that the Progressive Propaganda Ministry will harp and screech about things like the shooting in Highland Park [a suburb of chicago] today…and yet make little of, or outright ignore, the other shootings that have happened in Chicago over this holiday weekend? And they ignore those crimes EVERY week. They only harp upon the ones that benefit the narrative of “guns are bad. mmmmmkaaaaay?”, that their political masters want driven home. The press has always had one overarching rule. “If it bleeds, it leads” To this has been added political spin doctoring not seen in this country…ever. I mean muckraking and yellow journalism has always been around in one fashion or another. However not to this…depth of uniformity across every platform, channel, website, paper and wire service. If you have a brain in your head, THAT should frighten you. OTOH…maybe I’m an outlier in that regard because I haven’t had any respect for the MSM, and very little faith in the veracity of what they call news, since I was a teenager.

4. Let me ask you a question. Why is dying by gunfire…so much more…meaningful. Or terrible. Or impactful *snicker of amusement* than any OTHER way you can die? No seriously. I wanna know. You act as if dying by gunfire means more. It doesn’t. It’s just one of the myriad and infinite ways to die in our inherently dangerous world. Wait. What? You didn’t know the world was dangerous? Well to quote John McClain from Die Hard “Welcome to the party pal!” The world IS dangerous. LIFE is dangerous. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something. Either fear, the illusion of safety or both.

My brain abounds with more words I could write, but I fear it’s like trying to talk to a brick wall sometimes. So I’ll simply leave you to your holiday shenanigans. Do NOT forget, HOW you came to live in a free country, why you live in a free country and the price that is paid to keep it that way.


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