If you’re a progressive, you might be

a statist, boot licking, dictatorial wanna be, racist with delusions. perpend…

“The president and vice president of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers defended a contract provision that states white teachers would be laid off first in a Friday appearance on ABC.”

So…in case of a need to lay off teachers…you want white teachers to be laid off first? Ooooookay.

“This contract language was something that we are, first of all, extremely proud of for achieving but it also doesn’t go far enough,” Greta Callahan, president of the teachers’ union, told “GMA3” host Amy Robach.

Doesn’t. Go. Far. Enough. Okay just exactly how far do you want to go progressive pollyana?

 “We need to support and retain our educators, especially those who are underrepresented, and this language does one tiny, minuscule step towards that but doesn’t solve the real crisis we’re in right now.”

In point of fact, you do need to retain GOOD teachers. those that actually wanna teach, not preach. Melanin content of their skin be damned. Yet you, YES YOU, are choosing to make this about skin color. Tell me again how you aren’t the racist? Also WHAT crisis? The shortage of teachers? Bitch you brought that upon yourselves with the aid of the government in not seeing the kids, you were supposed to be teaching…for over a YEAR.

The contract language was agreed to after a three-week strike in March, according to CNN. 

Any bets on pay raises and pension protections for “teachers” that essentially did fuck all for the better part of 12-18mos except screech ‘oh no! I can’t go into a classroom full of kids! they are germ factories! Hell no! we won’t go!’ It’s not just the willful stupidity that annoys me in all this. It’s the rank ARROGANCE.*

Provisions in the contract require Minneapolis Public Schools to disregard seniority when prioritizing layoffs and instead lay off white teachers first.

And you know what? I stunningly…don’t have a problem with disregarding seniority. There are teachers teaching who have seniority that I wouldn’t trust to run a fucking tea social! Bringing race into it however is just appalling.

“This is the language that we put in and that we went out and marched for,” Marcia Howard, the teachers’ union vice president, said. “We voted on this, the district and the union agreed upon this and now it’s coming out because some Minnesotan website decided to put it out there and the MAGA media picked it up and they were waiting for mainstream media to run with this story. It’s a non-story. It was language about the event of a layoff and we are nowhere near having layoffs this year. We’re down like 250 teachers. We’re down. There are no layoffs. So I ask y’all why? Why is this a story?”

You marched for, you went on strike for, at least in part, RACISM; and you are surprised the “MAGA PRESS” picked it up? You shrieking harpy you made this bed…now you can fucking lay in it, as the shit flows in. Ladies and gents…let me give you a direct quote from the contract, yet another news site..

“Starting with the Spring 2023 Budget Tie-Out Cycle, if excessing a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented among licensed teachers in the site, the District shall excess the next least senior teacher, who is not a member of an underrepresented population,” the contract reads.

That’s right…in plain english if a teacher might be on the chopping block but is a member of or any other ethnicity but white…they will be skipped over and the next until you hit someone who WILL be white and WILL be fired.

THAT is why this is a story you vapid twat.

****** oh look! here’s a couple quotes about it from CNN article.

“We have historic agreements that have significantly raised pay for education support professionals,” ESP Chapter President Shaun Laden said. He added details will be shared with union members soon, as negotiators are still working out details on how their return-to-work agreements will look.

Union members said they were seeking “a living wage” for employees in educational support roles, smaller class sizes and “safe and stable schools,” according to a message posted on the union’s Facebook page when the strike was initially authorized.”

if you don’t like what you’re being paid as a teacher? MOVE. Other states will have better pay. Also what are education support professionals? could this possibly be administration? fuck administration…there’s already too many bureaucrat rats holing the goddamn ship. I’m sooo not having this conversation about the “living wage” bullshit again…it just leads to higher blood pressure. Smaller classrooms has been a plaint from teachers all over for decades. I don’t have a problem with that one. ‘Safe and Stable’ schools? How safe and stable is it for the kids when you go on a strike? Hmmmmm? Oh I might just have to do some more digging on that particular line…because I suspect it’s horseshit. People…teachers, politicians and others wonder why so many have exactly ZERO faith or trust in our supposed “education system” and are pulling their kids OUT to either private school or home school? SMH

sigh we are living Idiocracy and that was supposed to be a comedic film…not a fucking prophetic one.




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