“A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Have we kept it? Good question. The answer from my perspective on this morning after election night is…No. We have failed and failed MISERABLY..

330million people. Roughly 220million of them iirc of voting age. A most contentious election year and we are seeing fraud, chicanery, yellow journalism and muck raking on a scale we haven’t seen in probably nigh on a century or more. Especially the last two. The national press corps in the last decade or so has come out as what I have said they were for any number of years. The Propaganda Ministry of the Democratic Party. or as I have renamed them in recent years. Pravda Amerika.

When did the descent start? I’d say with the passage of the 17th amendment. Some of my other historically knowledgeable friends might argue sooner. I wouldn’t argue they were necessarily wrong. I’d say whatever they point to is simply a way point in the downfall of a nation as the 17th amendment was.

What is the 17th amendment? Sigh..jesus christ. do you NOT have a copy at hand. Everyone should have a copy of the U.S. Constitution, the Federalist PApers and The ANTI Federalist Papers, respectively…at hand. I’d also argue that you should read the bios and letters of our founding fathers and other important historical figures…thru the years. Thomas Paine and Fredrick Douglass among them. If you haven’t read ANY of it, including the founding document of the nation…then quite simply? I consider you a fool. You might be a well meaning one, but you’re still a fool.

Okay..17th Amendment, which was passed by congress in 1912 and ratified by the states in 1913? In Simple Terms? The Constitution..Article 1, section 3 stated that the STATES would appoint senators to the senate so that they would represent the STATE’S interests in the governing process. The 17th CHANGED the wording of Article 1 Sec 3 so that the election of senators was by popular vote. Just like the US House of Representatives…which represents teh people’s interests in the government. Thereby handing over control of both houses to..”The Mob” if you will. Corrupting and negating one of the checks and balances in our system. Some will point out that there was corruption in the states. no fucking duh. political office for the last half century or so has attracted in up to a point in time about a 50/50 mix of power hungry asshole and someone who wants to leave the nation better than they found it. Now it’s more like an 80/20 mix and I’m reminded that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

On the book of faces there have been those for years that have been calling for an amicable divorce. Meaning a mass exodus of people in both directions to various states that are ‘blue’ or ‘red’ strongholds. 2 separate nations. I wouldn’t necessarily object to it. I’ve talked to people on BOTH sides of the spectrum and there are those that would not object. I do however have doubts and several provisos and so do those that like myself wouldn’t object…on both sides.

Doubts? Nay! Flaming cynically nasty suppositions of what would happen I say! Anyone who thinks the left side powerbase would go along with a divorce peacefully and with a reluctant handshake and a smile..is a drooling idiot child. Did you miss the opening where I said there’s chicanery, fraud, yellow journalism and muck racking going on at unheard of levels on the national level? Everytime you see something about violence coming out of the press. Overwhelmingly the perps are leftists. The young, indoctrinated leftists. Indoctrinated by a school system that doesn’t teach learning, love of learning etc; but instead churns out button pushing automatons who do things from rote memorization or because they are TOLD TO because that’s what good automatons do.

*continued on the 9th of November….

Fraud? Yeah I know the Propaganda Ministry and the Dems say otherwise. However when there’s physical and visual proof that the dems cheated on this national election and tried to rig it in a rather large way. Only an ideologue will deny it. OR a fool…I consider them interchangeable at this point and about as equally useful.

No matter what happens now, because the fucking democrats just had to boldly and openly try and rig this election, no one will trust in the system anymore. Even if the courts say “there was definitely fuckery afoot what flaming goddamn lunacy prompted such republic destroying fuckery in these twats?”?
Even if in saying so they hand the win to Trump? The damage is done. The left have been pushing the narrative for 4 years. Four. Fucking. Years, that Trumps election was illegitimate. The same crowd who smugly says “elections have consequences” when those on the right or the center complain about what’s being done by the left? Have for the last 4yrs failed miserably to acknowledge the same, when they don’t win. screaming like toddlers whose favorite toy has been taken away before they can break it.
*slow claps* Congratulations..you got your wish you limp wristed, slack jawed, drooling incompetents. The Republic…no matter what the election results end up being in the end…is well and truly dead. How can I say this? Those on the right might ask. I say this because lets assume the Courts decide in Trump’s favor, do you REALLY think the party and group of screaming toddlers that have been throwing temper tantrums, breaking shit, burning shit and just generally been having a hissy for the last 7months or so? [or since Trumps election in 2016…take your pick] to sit back and not continue to protests, loot, riot etc? For the left…do you REALLY expect those on the right to sit back while you BLATANTLY steal a federal election? I don’t. this is why the republic is dead. Neither side will accept the results and the after result of that is violence.

Christ I need more alcohol.


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